Thursday, January 19, 2012

And Now We WAIT...

Guess what today was?? You got it today was TRANSFER day :)
Upon arrival at the Med Center with IP's in tow we were given an update on how the little egglets were doing. As of this morning 5 of the 6 fertilized eggs were still doing good and splitting as planned and #6 still has hope to catch up. We were told that 2 lil embies were getting transfered a 7c and a 9c. While we are all a bit concerned on the chance of Twins + we were also super excited that our chances of success increase with them putting 2 back.
After some arm twisting I was able to get the big bro to come along with me and J into the OR to watch his potential child/ren be placed on my super fluffy uterine lining. :) They put on their hazmat suits and away we went into the sterile santuary of the OR, well...after taking a few snapshots of our silly looking selves

Look he secretly does want 2...LOL we enter the dreaded 2WW and atleast 3 and maybe 4 lil Embies get turned into Totsicles today.
Keep sending all that Babydust...and I will update soon!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Well yesterday was retrieval day...overall not that bad of an experience. I woke up today feeling like I had been run over by a truck, but I'm pretty sure that was my fibromyalgia's reation to the anestesia more than that of the procedure.

Now to the good stuff

A total of 8 eggs were retrieved, seven of which were mature and according to the lab call I got this morning 6 of those fertilized. We will find out how they are all doing tomorrow morning and will be told at that time whether we go in on Thurs for a 3dt or Sat for a 5dt...and then we start the dreaded 2WW.

I suppose I should also add that today I had to start taking the PIO injections. TBH thosse things have been intimidating my dreams and had me scared to death...Even the doctors were scared when I informed them that I intended to give them to myself. yeah I am a bit of a contral freak, but even if i wasn't my choices were my husband who can't even take the dogs to the vet for shots and my dad who has moments of extreme shakiness... Now don't get me wrong I am not afraid of needles, shots or even pain but I have read enough blogs and forums to know that those things suck! Anyways, I figured I would go for it and thanks to the circles that I had the nurse draw on my hind quarters and some tips from a few blogs of those of you who have been was nothing!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Looking good :)

Let me start off by saying that this started off as a really informative well written post, However as i went to send it to the blog wall something horrible happened and I accidentally deleted everything i just spent an hour writing...Grrrr. Well here's the shorter more boring version.

Monday's U/S showed that there were definitely some nice follicles growing but the RE's office was concerned that my estradiol level was getting too high too fast.(it was in the mid 400's) Decision was made to cut the Follistim in half to 150i/u daily...One less shot for me=no problem.

A second U/S today showed very similar results many nice 12-14 Folli's and a perfectly pillowed lining, however Estradiol is still climbing, (mid 900's). To be honest I have no idea on how this effects this whole process, but since they keep commenting on how they need to make sure the eggs have time to catch up I am assuming it has to do with Follicle growth or ovulation in some way??(The RE did try to explain it to me and said it isn't a huge deal, but I still don't quite understand)...Google here I come :-)

Anywho...another monitoring appointment has been scheduled for Friday morning with the close to home center who has been doing my monitoring. Meds will continue the same as before today. And I have already been warned that I will probably be making the 80mile drive daily trips over the weekend and thereafter to see our RE until retrieval which is expected Monday or Tuesday if not sooner!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

IVF- Here we go!

So much has happened in such a short period of time that I don't even know where to start. The Attorney I chose to use was out of the country during the Christmas/New Year weeks so we had to wait for him to fax the doctor verification that everything was good on the legal side. Luckily he came back on the 2nd...just in time...because Aunt Flo decided to come over a week earlier than expected and along with her I got some sort of Flu bug for New Years that is just now letting up.

With AF showing up early a lot had to happen very quickly in order to get started on injections in time to make a go this round. Lucky for us my AMH level was concidered to be low enough at 1.25 that I didn't need to start Lupron injections until CD 3-5. and even luckier for us we had our Psycholgical stuff done with the new RE's recommended Dr, so the nurse was able to get all of our records expidited and transfered the same day.

Tuesday the RE ordered all of the medications I will need for the month...Yesterday I recieved them and can you say OVERWHELMING?!!

There were WAY more meds than she initially told me about, most of which I found out today are for after the transfer.

So today I had my baseline U/S and blood work done to verify all sysyems were a go...I have to admit I was a little worried that after having the flu that my blood counts wouldn't cooperate...but they were all PERFECT! Lupron (micrdose)injections 20units start tonight and continue twice daily throughout the next few wks and Follistim starts Tomorrow morning 150units twice daily.
Next U/S and labs are on Monday morning!!