Friday, February 17, 2012

First Post Transfer U/S

To start off I suppose I should apologize for being such a horrible blogger. I always think of a million things I should write about everyday, then life always gets in the way!

ANYWAYS...we had our first U/S at 28dp3dt (6wks 3 days prego) and seen...1 perfect little bean (which I totally think looks just like a lemon seed with a Heartbeat).
The nurse was teasing Dave and Jenn the whole time that there is going to be a second one in there that the Dr missed on scan, but only time will tell if her intuition is right. :D

Here is a look at the pics the monitoring DR gave Dave and Jenn

Called the RE's office today and she said all looks good and that I need to continue the PIO for a few more weeks, less if I decide to switch to the Suppository type. Can't say that I am gonna miss those things but not sure if the shots or suppositories will be a bigger pain. She also didn't tell me when we are released from them and when I should schedule my first appt with the home OB so I guess a call on Monday will straighten all that out.

Thanks again everyone for all those Prayers...and keep em coming we still have a long 33+ wks to go to get this little one in the well deserving arms of his/her proud parents. And I promise I will try to update more...


  1. Wonderful news! Congrats to all.

  2. Aww great u/s scans! Love the pictures!! :) Congrats to all! :D

  3. Congratulations! Beautiful little baby bean.
