Thursday, December 29, 2011

We are Back!!

Wow it feels like it has been forever since I have been able to update, but Alas I can finally say that we are ready to go forward again. It has been a crazy few months for all involved and for a little while it looked as if our journey may have been over. But thanks to a great group of people who run the New Blossom's New Life foundation we now have new hope, and a new Doctor and a whole new treatment plan!
This time around the RE feels it would be most beneficial to undergo IVF. This should definately increase D&J's chances of success.
There is still a few thimgs we have to get finished before day1 comes around, but it looks real good that early in the New Year I should be starting the Lupron/follistim injections and by the middle of Feb 2012 hopefully D&J will get that BFP they have been waiting so long for!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

On Hold

Well the decision has been made...we are currently on hold! D&J decided to take a month or so off to regroup and regain some savings. I will update again once we restart our Journey :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

BFN's and Blah blah blah

Well today's bloodwork confirmed another BFN... :-(   I guess I shouldn't be so surprised, this was only our second IUI...just hoping that D&J aren't getting too discouraged. I still believe we are gonna get this right eventually, and now that we are through a few months the RE is willing to let us proceed with Injectables next round(most likely follistim), which he has informed me is over twice as effective as the Clomid and also greatly increases the chance for Twins :-) So keep ur chins up Guys...and PLEASE don't give up on this!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Finally we progress

The Monday morning U/S showed that the 14 folli held on and was now a 21. Took my trigger shot of Ovidrel last night at 2am and we go in Tomm Weds (June 29) for the 2nd start sending lots of BabyDust our way and Prayers for D&J and a BFP!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Quick Update

This month has flown by so fast I haven't even had time to here is what happened so far. As expected I had a cd 3 U/S which was just to check for cysts...this went well and we were cleared to start Clomid 100mg cd5-9...had mid-cycle U/S and bloodwork yesterday(cd 13), and while the blood showed a higher than hoped Lh the biggest follicle was only 14mm...doc is hoping that I do not ovulate over the wknd and wants to do another U/S and Lh level check on Monday!! Fingers crossed that this 14mm folli holds on and turns into a nice 20+ for next week!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Back at One

Well finally we are back on track! AF arrived today (only 3 wks late) which RE suggested was prob due to late and/or double O of small follies in May. So we are finally finally finally back at day one! I'm predicting that my call to RE's office in morning will result in another U/S this wk to make sure there are no cysts and then Clomid(100mg) to be started day 5...feels great to finally have my body cooperating with us again :-)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Waiting again

Well this month was a follies large enough and estrogen was too low this time. Conference with RE yesterday and he decided that we should try to get a successful cycle with an increase in the Clomid before we try Follistim injectables! he also said to save D&J money and heartache we won't proceed with IUI next cycle unless all results of mid cycle testing are at the ideal levels and a success is most favorable :) So for now...we wait for AF!

Friday, May 6, 2011

2nd midcycle U/S

So tomorrow (sat) morning I go in to the RE for a 2nd midcycle U/S...They said the first one(at cd13) didn't show any mature follicles and lining was thin...hoping this one shows us a larger folli and thicker lining!! If not we will have to hold off on IUI till next month, if worries we know "we're gonna get it right eventually"!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Moving Forward

So on we go to the next round. AF's visit came right on schedule, which is great cuz usually we have to wait around for her arrival. Got word from the RE's office today that as long as my ultrasound comes back ok (no ovarian cysys from the clomid) tomorrrow morning we can start our next round of Clomid on Tues and do IUI again beginning of MAY!! Happy Easter Everyone!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Booo!! :'(

Well this cycle didn't work out for us....Booo...blood test confirmed a BFN!! But keeping my chin up and preparing for round 2! I have no doubts or regrets, for this will work, sometimes these things just take time. Like all things in life, faith hope and Love will get us through this disappointment and our determination will help us move forward! Keep ur chins up D&'s just taking God a little while to find just the right soul to fill your little one's heart with!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

3 More Days!!!

So I'm pretty sure this 2WW is going to be the death of me!! TS's I've been told have it the worst "because we actually have to wait the WHOLE 2 weeks." Well looking on the bright side, I have made it this far and only have 3more days to wait. Maybe this journey will teach me a little something about patience and God's Will...Keep your fingers and toes crossed for a BFP!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Little About Me!!

Started this Blog so that I may share my surrogacy journey with others. I guess I should include a little about me...WELL...I am 32 yrs old, married, and between the two of us we have 4 amazing children; 7, 10, 14, and 18. Needless to say our family is complete!
A few years ago I began getting interested in Surrogacy; being someone who was super-fertile (I only assume this because all my own children were special surprises) I felt it was only right that I share my ability to bear children with others who may not be so fortunate. For me TS or GS didn't matter I just felt like I was predestined to fulfill the dreams of a family.
Now my hopes are being realized...
A few months ago the process of tests and appointments began, with IP's (D & J )at my side we met with a local fertility center and explained to the Dr. that we had a unique request. I wanted to be a TS for my brother and Sis in law (no u didn't read it wrong)!! We explained to the Dr that I was willing to be a TS and that (obviously, I hope) we planned to use donor sperm that was a close match to SNL's genetic makeup. The Dr agreed that it was definately a different situation than normal but said it was ok as long as we put all the normal legal jargon together...blah blah
Anyways I just want to share my journey with others out there who may be considering becoming, or using a GS or TS. I am so excited and scared and anxious and a million other emotions. I want this soooo bad for my IP's, not only because they are family but because like most IPs, a lot of heartache has brought them to seek the help of a surrogate to grow their family! Luckily for me they chose me...(it took some pleading) :) to be their Surrogate Mommy.
So now that all the formalities are out of the way lets get to the fun stuff...

Yesterday 4/7 we had our first IUI...this was supposed to be last month but ovulation was not cooperating or there was a problem with the OPK's. So this cycle the Dr decided to let us try the clomid days 5-9 an U/S on day 13 and a trigger shot to induce O on day 14 before doing the IUI! So now we are in the nerve-racking 2WW period...will keep updating as often as I can!!
 Until then keep sending BABYDUST our way and Pray for D&J and a BFP!!!


This list definately will help those who have no idea what some of the crazy acronyms/abbrev are supposed to stand for when reading surrogacy forums/blogs
2WW = 2-Week Wait
AF = Aunt Flo -Your menstrual period
AZH = Assisted Hatching
BBT = Basal Body Temperature
BFN= Big fat Negative
BFP= Big Fat Positive :)
CB = Cycle Buddy
CD = Cycle day - The first day of your period is cycle day 1
DE= Donor Egg
DP3DT = Days Post 3-Day Transfer
DP5DT = Days Post 5-Day Transfer
DPT = Days Post Transfer
E2 = Estradiol
ED= Egg donor/donation
EDD = Estimated Due Date
FET = Frozen Embryo Transfer
GC = Gesational Carrier
GS-Gestational Surrogate
GTT = Glucose Tolerance Test
hCG, HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (aka the pregnancy hormone)
HPT = Home Pregnancy Test
IF = Intended Father
IM = Intended Mother
IP = Intended Parent/Parents
IVF = In Vitro Fertilization
LMP = Last Menstrual Period (start date)
O = Ovulation
OB = Obstetrician
OB/GYN = Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OTC = Over The Counter
PCOS = Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
PG = Pregnant
PIO = Progesterone in Oil
PMS = Pre-menstrual Syndrome
RE = Reproductive Endocrinologist
Rx = Prescription
ER = Retrieval (Egg)
SA = Sperm/Semen Analysis
SM = Surrogate Mother
TS= Traditional Surrogate
TTC = Trying To Conceive